Song Llinks

Sabtu, 23 Juni 2012

Mengenal alat alat kesehatan dan alat kedokteran di Rumah Sakit

Know the tools of medical devices and medical equipment in the Hospital
A. Bandages tool
Its function is to bind cover up something, usually wound.
Classified in the dressing:
a. Plaster
b. GaAs
c. Bandages (dressings) 

a. Plaster
Divided into 4 groups:
- Autoclave tape
- Adhesive tape
- Medicinal tape
- Surgical tape

According to the author, the plaster is divided into seven types:
- ZnO-porous (eg LEUKOPLAST)
- Elastic (for example: Handyplast-BAND-AID Elastikon)
- Silk (eg micropore - DERMICEL)
- Paper (example: LEUKOPOR-Dermilite)
- Plastics (examples: LEUKOFIX - Transpore)
- Waterproof plastic (cntoh: Setonplas-BLENDERM)

Ø Autoclave TAPE
3 M factory producing this tape to control the state of the machine sterilization, packaging or means to distinguish which ones have undergone a sterilization process which is not (as indicator).
At 121 0 C is discolored plaster:
The first 5 minutes: 50% color change
15 min: 90% color change
20 min: 100% color change (white to brown).

Actually all the adhesive, that can be attached, can be attached to our bodies. The common people know what is called the plaster rolls plaster-Rolan are cut for use as wound coverings or Gaas put on our bodies. Known as the plaster is porous, brownish red, and somewhat thick ZnO is a kind of plaster: LEUCOPLAST, TENSOPLAST, Band-aid, Handyplast

The definition of medical plasters ape is the medicine of the plaster containing medication such as: Salonpas, Tokuhon, Capsicum Plaster (plaster cap chili).

Ø Surgical TAPE
Surgical tape is a tape that is used in surgery, which leaves no residue and does not cause pain when removed after a stick and does not cause itching and allergies, such as micropore, Durapore, Transpore, Blenderm.

b. GaAs (read "has" (= netting)
Forms such as wire kin ram, which is a small punch with a variety of sizes. GaAs is included in the class are:
A. GaAs sterile (sterile hydrophilic gauze =)
2. Dressing (= wound closure, wound dressing =)
3. GaAs which contains drug ingredients

Ø GaAs sterile
GaAs sterile or sterile hydrophilic gauze of the most widely used is the size of 18 X 22 cm. dus is usually sold in packs containing 16 pieces. Uses is to cover the wounds to prevent contamination. Way of life by using plaster, attached to the body.

The term actually means Verband name Dressing or bandage, except that it is classified in GaAs which has a shorter size, whereas the general public with a bandage is long.

Ø GaAs which contains drug ingredients
Known by the brand:
o Sofra-Tulle (Hoechst) is Gaas Soframycin containing antibiotics. used for new injuries.
o DARYANT-Tulle (Darya-Varia Jakarta)
o BACTI-GRASS, which contains Chlorhexidine in Gaas sterile paraffin.
o ACTISORB, sterile dressing that contains Charcoal (= charcoal)
o PERONET, namely Gaas sterile dressing containing paraffin jelly. Also called paraffin GAUZE.

c. Bandage
Bandage is divided into 4 groups:
A. Kasa hydrophilic
2. Elastic bandage
3. Neck pads
4. Plaster bandage

Maintenance tool is a tool used to caring for the sick at home or in hospital. Which will be described here are:
a. Sanken-MAT
c. A hot water bottle (WARM WATERZAK)
d. Bag of ice (IJSKAP)
f. Traction SKIN KIT
g. Crutch or crutches
h. Borstpomp
i. Tepelhoed
j. Windring
k. Breukband
l. Pressure garments
m. Spalk

a. Sanken-MAT
Is the name of the patent of a mattress (mattress, bolsak) made ​​in Japan, which is equipped with Air Flow Regulator, making it useful for eliminating odors and the prevention / treatment of BEDSORE, especially in patients who have to lie on. This mattress can be washed, scrubbed and dried easily.
There is also VACUUM RESCUE matress, which means a kind of stretcher covered with PVC plastic mattresses that have special privileges:
All parts of the body when it is put on the mattress and easily as if dibidai (dispalk), can not change the position, not moving. Very useful in the event of an accident that causes the patient displaced fractures or joints. Mattress can be penetrated by X-ray


Hot cold pack is a pocket-sized 4.25 "X 10.5", or approximately 10.5 cm X 26 cm, which contains a gel which makes it elastic and flexible tool. Purposes: as a substitute for a hot water bottle and a bag of ice.


Warm water means zak bag containing hot water. There is also a call BOTTLE OF HEAT. Commonly found in pharmacies is a bag made ​​of rubber.


In English is called ICE BAG. Generally round shape, made ​​of rubber with a lid in the middle. Purposes: for a cold compress when the fever.


This tool is equipped with a gauze bag and electrical cable and used. Useful to keep warm when cold ..

f. Traction SKIN KIT

Skin traction equipment kit is used to prevent immobilization of the injured or inflamed joints, or on the fracture / dislocation of bones. Equipped with Elastic bandages (ELSET) and leg straps to hang or tie it in order not to change places. Available for adults and children.

g. Crutch or crutches

Body is a crutch used in patients with disorders / injury / post-surgery on his leg. Made from various materials such as wood, aluminum, and mixed wood and metal.

h. Borst-Pomp

In the Indonesian language is called PUMP MILK. In English: BREAST PUMP AND reliever. Their role: to help pump water out of the breast milk of women who are breastfeeding because milk production too much.


Tepelhoed in the Indonesian language he calls: The nipple protector. In English: SHIELDS nipple.
Usefulness: If your nipples are breast-feeding women who were hurt / injured, then to be able to suckle her baby, her nipples are given the tools and the baby sucking its mother's milk through it.


Windring or Air Cushion is a tool made ​​of rubber shaped like a circle in a car tire., The outside diameter of 40 cm, while the inner diameter of 13.5 cm.
Purposes: as a place to sit those who suffer from hemorrhoids or piles.


Fig. breukband for women

fig. breukband for men

Breukband is a tool belt (conveyor belt) and use for hernia sufferers, in order to be more free to move without pain. The tool is made ​​of cow leather, there is a two-headed, and some are only headed one, left or right hand only.


What is meant by "pressure garments" are garments that are pressing or pressing the body or body part, like a kind Kniedekker used to tighten the knee joint. Its use is to prevent and treat scars stand out (hypertrophic scarring) in the chest and abdomen. There is also useful to help the rehabilitation of the knee or elbow joints after surgery or an accident (injury). The tool is called by name: arthro-PAD.


fig. spalk feet

fig. spalk hand

Spalk (Dutch) is a tool used for first aid fractures (arm / leg). In the Indonesian language: splint.
There are two kinds of splints (spalk), namely: spalk spalk wire and wood. Depending on the length of the arm, one leg so it is available in various sizes.

3. EQUIPMENT shelter
What is meant by holding the tool is a tool to hold the blood, to hold to hold urine and feces.

a. Accommodating for Blood,

Collecting BLOOD PACK are made ​​of PVC plastic that is commonly called: BLOOD-BAG. There Bloodbag containing liquid antikoagulansia ACD (citric acid + sodium + citric dextrose), CPD (citric acid + sodium + dextrose and citric narium bisphosphate), or a solution of sodium citrate 4%.

b. For Accommodating Urine (urine). (Urine Bag)
Drainage Dipasakan with brand-BAG (Factory JMS), uro-GARD (Terumo). Urine-specific unisex bag for children and infants, Pediatric URINE COLLECTOR (ATOM-Japan).

c. For Accommodating stool.

Tool to hold the stool is called: colostomy BAG. Purposes: to accommodate for the dirt (feces), liquid and gas that comes out of the hole made ​​in the bowel surgery through abdominal muscles and skin. This is done to change the normal function of the rectum. This could be the use of a colostomy bag for a while or it could be forever, for example in patients suffering from cancer of the rectum should be taken, dissected. The use of a colostomy bag adapted to the size of the stoma (artificial opening in the abdominal muscles and skin).

is a tool to hold the urine that comes out of the hole (stoma) made ​​the results of surgery through the abdominal muscles and skin, due to the normal urinary tract that comes out through the genitals of disturbed function. Coloplast also called a stoma URINE BAG. Form and manner of its use is similar to a colostomy bag that holds the stool. However, this tool comes with a belt holding extra.
4. HOSPITAL wares / Utensils
Belonging to the group called the Hospital Wares / Utensils are the tools used in everyday hospital as a means of supporting the patient's medical care.
A. The tools are used to serve patients
2. The tools are used for spot treatment of other tools.

A. The tools are used to serve patients.
If the patient wants to urinate while the patient is not able / allowed to the bathroom then to the urinals provided for men and for women. Some are made ​​of glass, there are of stainless steel according to function:
a container of urine when the patient can not go to the bathroom alone

- Spitting MUG:
Uses: container or saliva ripple

- Kidney TRAY / NIERBEK / EFA Basin / emesis basin:
Uses: container or container for the patient vomit. This tool is also used to dispose of used cotton, pus.

- Wash Basin / SPONGE BOWL:
Usability: the place of water when the patient wants a bath.

2. The instrument used for spot treatment of other tools
Container or a place to store and menruh tools or surgical instruments
Container or a place to sterilize tampons.

5. Catheters
Catheters is a hollow tube made ​​of metal, glass, rubber, plasik which means its use is to be incorporated into the body cavity through a channel (channel). Divided into 2 parts:
- IV catheters
- Non IV catheters

a. IV catheters
Catheters are inserted into the vein. Usefulness applicable as additional veins or vein extension for long-term IV pengbatan more than 48 hours.

b. Non IV catheters, consisting of:
o Nelaton catheters
Catheter is used in order to urinate
o Balloon catheters
Uses: for urine collection in a closed state, free from air pollution in the vicinity

o Oxygen catheters
Catheter is used for pushing flow of oxygen gas into the nostrils

o Stomach tube
(Maag Slang; Maag Sonde) Usefulness: to collect the sap of the stomach, to rinse and wash the inwards, to the provision of drugs.

o Feeding tube
Uses: to enter the liquid food through a tube through the mouth or nose (especially in a coma, seizures, and in terentu conditions.)

o Rectal tube
Uses: transform and remove the gases from the intestines, to clean the rectum.

o Suction catheters
Uses: to suck the mucus from the trachea of a newborn, to suck the amniotic fluid.

o Condom catheters
This tool is used for pushing the penis connects with the urine bag through the end of its tube, especially in patients who prefer not conscious and urine that can not hold urine (incontinentia urinae).

6. Syringe NEEDLE
Included in the syringe, namely:
- Common syringe
- Dental syringe
- Spinal needles
- Winged needles
a. A common syringe
The size of syringe size is determined by the numbers. Commonly used no: 18 G, 19 G, 20 G, 21G, 22 G, 23 G, 24 G, 25 G, 26 G, 27 G. The bigger the number, the smaller the needle diameter needle.

b. Dental syringe
Syringes are available in 3 sizes: 25 G-27 G-30 G. tipped needle and needle are also two rather different.

c. Spinal needles
Needles used for lumbar spinal PUNCTIE (LP). This is called Needle spinal needle. Privileged LP needle: a needle inside there again.

d. Winged needles
Purposes: acting as an additional venous or venous extension of our body for long-term IV treatment or intermittent. This needle size 18 G to 25 G.

7. TOOLS syringe
Syringe tool called syringes, syringe or syringe-INJECTIE. There are also a variety of tools specifically for the use of a special syringe also:
a. G LYCERINE syringe
b. Water Syringe
c. Ear Syringe
d. Wound and Bladder Syringe
e. Tuberculine Syringe
f. Insuline syringe

VII. TOOLS syringe
Seprit tool is a syringe, injecting equipment, in the Dutch language is called injective-syringe. In English is called a syringe. Various kinds of syringe devices include:
a. Glycerin syringe; volume 30 ml, 50 ml, 100 ml
b. Water syringe; injection volume 8 ml and 10 ml
c. Ear syringe; injection volume of 50 ml, 75 ml and 100 ml
d. Wound and bladder syringe; injection volume of 50 ml, 75 ml, 100 ml, 150 ml and 200 ml. This tool is used to clean festering wounds, ulcers (ulcers), and to spray with the help of bladder catheters.
e. Tuberculine syringe; injection volume 1 mldengan division of the scale to 0.01
f. Insulin syringe; volume of 0.1 ml syringe

Paratus Paratus etui or case used as a four-store syringes. There are special Paratus for 2.5 cc syringe, there are also 5 cc.

Surgical needle is called needle hechting. In English is called surgical suture needles or needles. In the Dutch language called Hecht-naald. This tool is used for suturing, general surgical wound.

X. Suture
Surgical thread (suture) can be divided into two groups:
a. That our bodies can diabsorbir
b. Which can not be diabsorbir by our body

a. Tool to draw blood from the donor (donor blood taking set or sets)
b. Tool to draw blood for examination (venoject)
c. Tool to draw blood from an artery (preza-pack) is used to draw blood from an artery, for blood gas analysis.

General medical devices include:
a. diagnostic tools
diagnostic equipment tools (= diagnostic equipments) are the tools used by doctors or other medical personnel with the assistance which can be known, determined the diagnosis of disease a person being examined. These tools include:
A. Book Color Blind Test (test for color-blindness)

2. Snellen Chart Vision, the tool is used to test char reads the letters with a certain size, and size should be seen by a normal eye at a distance terentu. These tools are generally made of cardboard measuring 28 x 60 cm or 28.5 x 71 cm.

3. Reflex Hammer (hammer reflex) was used to examine the ability of the reflection of certain parts of our body, usually the knees.

4. Percussion hammer used to knock the chest cavity and the cavity behind the (back) to know the state of the organ in it.

5. Tong spatel (tongue depressor or a tongue depressor) is used to suppress the tongue, so Dapa see more clearly the situation in the throat, whether there are abnormalities, for example, there is inflammation such as pharyngitis, tonsillitis, and others.

6. Laryngeal mirror (mouth mirrors or glass mouth) can be used to view and examine the situation in the teggorokan, whether the disorder-kelaian.
7. Head mirror, head lamp & head band: voorhoofdspigel head mirror or head-band attached to a headband or used to check the cavity and ear, nose, throat and eyes through the reflection of light.

8. Pulse-meter (POLS-teller) was used as penccatat time, in examining and counting the number of pulses.
9. Clinical thermometer used to measure the temperature of the body / bodies.

10. Stethoscope (phonendoscope) is used to detect, learn, hear the sound (noise) arising from dalamtubuh / body cavity.

11. Sphygomomanometer (monometer or tensimeter blood pressure) is used to measure the blood pressures of the body, how many numbers systole (at the heart of the buds) and at what rate diastole (when the heart expands again).

12. Speculum (Specula) is a device that is inserted into the body cavity, where its use so that we can check, see the section which is at the burrow pit. There are 4 kinds of speculum that is:
a. Nasal Speculum (for examination of the nose)
b. Ear Speculum (for examination of the ear)
c. Rectal Speculum (= rectum through the anus)
d. Vaginal Speculum (through the female genitalia)

13. Diagnostic Set is a set of tools for diagnostika arranged and laid out in an enclosed box.
14. Endoscope is an instrument used to visually inspect the inside of the body cavity.
15. Spirometer is a device used utuk megukur directly and quickly the ability of a person's lungs, for purposes of diagnosis of lung function and abnormal heart
b. Tools for inspection
A. Tools for clinical examination
a. Blood Lancet used to draw blood for examination in the laboratory by means of fingertip puncture with these tools.
b. Vaccination Lancet (vaccinaie-pen) is used for vaccination, such as smallpox vaccination.
c. Haemocytometer used to check erytrocyt (buiran blood-red granules) and leucocyt (granular white blood), how many in number.
d. Hb-meter (haemoglobinemeter) was used to examine the levels of hemoglobin in the blood) is a pair of binoculars tool where we can see objects that are very small through the apparatus.

e. Urinometer is a tool to measure the density of urine.

f. Fecatwin (labsystems-finland) is reagens to test the presence or absence of blood in the faeces (droppings) a person, people, who dropped into the container means a special stool.
2. Tools for the pharmaceutical laboratory
A. Scales used to weigh the materials will be examined
2. Weights.
3. Scales are used when you want to weigh our own
4. Glass tools most widely used type of glass beaker and the Erlenmeyer kolf.
5. The means for heating such as Bunsen Brander
6. Musical style of porcelain (ceramic) for example is used to vaporize vaporizer cup something in place on top of asbestos gauze on a tripod.
7. The tools examples of plastic tools like a funnel, bottles seprot
8. Iron tools such as a variety of clamps to clamp the burette and others.
c. Other common tools
A. Tourniquet: used to make the veins in the arms / legs sticking out in order to be implemented giving iv infusion or injection by using a tourniquet.
2. Gloves: used to protect the hands from environmental influences surrounding sipemakai.
3. Infraphil: Ra is used to relieve pain, arthritis, muscle pain, muscle strain or bruise.
4. Diathermy instrument: used in physioterapi based thermoterapi.
5. Hearing aids (hearing aid) is used to overcome the lack of sensitive-an, addressing frequency interference noise, and provide maximum reflection of sound and echoes.

Scalpel blades are operating, there are two kinds of forms:
a. Pointed (sharp edges, sharp)
b. Bellied (convex)
In addition there are also other terms scapel like: scapel blade is a knife without a handle and scapel handle is the handle without the blade.
Scissors are a tool used to cut something of goods, or an object. Classification include:
a. Scissor bandage (VERBANDSCHAAR): This tool is used for cutting bandages or Gaas.
b. Scissor LIGATURE: This tool is used to cut the suture.
c. Surgical Scissors (OPERATING SCISSORS): This tool is used in surgery.
d. Dissecting scissors: scissors used for cutting body tissues for purposes of practical lessons.
e. For obstetric purposes, there are two kinds of scissors to be known, namely:
1) Scissor umbilical cord: cord used to memoong baby.
2) Episiotomy: used to cut the vulva (female genitals) at the time of delivery.
f. Other
A. Vessel used to cut the vessel Scissor-pumbuluh, because it ujungnnya always sharp, pointy.
2. Scissor rectal is used to cut the rectum.
3. Forceps is a device consisting of two pieces that face each other, which can be controlled (can be clipped and removed) by hand or by direct pressure of these pieces. This tool digolomgkan as follows:
a. Tweezers are used to menjepitl things / objects.
b. Clamp is a tool to take (hold and press) matches benda.misalnya bulldog clamp used to clamp the wound to drain out the blood tdak.
c. Pliers used to grip and lift-style surgical instruments.

Suturing instrument set is a set of tools used for suturing (heacting), especially in labor.

Original Source:
Thannk you Miss Risu chan {^-^}

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